My Christmas Lights for 2022
Prior to my accident in 2009, I would drive my children around Adelaide to see the homes that celebrated Christmas with a display in their front yards. After moving into my home in Sefton Park in 2019, I wanted to contribute to the homes that families could visit, and I started with one large reindeer. Although the photo shows Mrs. Rudolph on top of my daughter’s car, we placed her in the front yard. Unfortunately, the large reindeer didn’t last more than three Christmas celebrations.
The collection grew every year and I wanted to erect the display without too much assistance, as I wanted to show that people in wheelchairs can get it done. Please see the 2021 Christmas display that shares how I did it myself. In 2022, I asked my children, Jasmine and Ben, and their partners, Bailey and Nikki, to help me and we shared a meal together too.
New items
How could you have Christmas without a nativity scene? I found an inflatable featuring baby Jesus, Mary, Joseph, the three wise kings, and the star.
The snow people family all have their arms in the air after finding two presents – one of them won’t be getting a present this year, but they seem happy to share.
Although he will be eaten as a treat, the gingerbread man looks happy.
A dog found Santa placing presents under the tree, chased him up the tree, and pulled down his pants. Fortunately, Santa wears undies.
Standing at three metres tall, a large Santa has been placed in the driveway to avoid hitting his head on the eaves.
Older Items (not to scale)
Santa pops out of the chimney
Big Kangaroo, Little snowman, and reindeer
Santa in the pool with friends
Santa popping out of the chimney, little Rudolph and little Santa.
Please come and visit the display – click here
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If you use a wheelchair for mobility, I’d love to hear about your Christmas displays. Email me here.