Introduction – Spring is in the air
The weather is getting warmer and the days longer and Spring is only a few weeks away. This blog shares the preparation for growing vegetables in my raised garden bed.
I use a wheelchair and built a custom home with an emphasis on accessibility, safety, security and entertainment. The home won two HIA awards for specialised housing and the garden bed is raised, allowing me to access the plants from my wheelchair.
Mushroom Compost
I visit Bunnings to carefully stack fourteen bags of mushroom compost, one bag at a time, onto a large trolley. I slowly push the trolley through the store and load it into the back of my van. Each bag weighs around twenty-five kilograms.
After arriving home, I take one bag out at a time and place each bag on my legs and carry it to the raised garden bed. I won’t be able to lift bags from the ground, sit the first two bags upright and ask a friend for assistance in moving the remaining twelve bags of mushroom compost to the garden. Unfortunately, they ignore the clue provided to them and place my initial two bags onto the ground, and stack the other bags on top. Later, I would ask another friend to stand the two bags up, allowing me to grab them.
Opening and piling the mushroom compost
One bag at a time, I carry and place onto the raised garden bed, and stab the plastic with a hand trowel in the shape of a cross. After standing up the bag and bending it, the contents are forced out. The raised garden bed now has piles of mushroom compost and I spread them out while Spartacus supervises from the green bin.
I purchased my seeds from The Seed Collection for $21 including delivery.
Beetroot- Early Wonder
Beetroot- Detroit
Tomato- Garden Delight
Tomato- Daydream
Tomato- Grosse Lisse
Tomato- Roma
Capsicum- Yolo Wonder
Capsicum- Californian Wonder
Carrot- All seasons
Chilli- Habanero Red
Zucchini- Black Beauty
Eggplant- Black Beauty
Onion- Pukekohe Long Keeper
Cat Grass
Celery- Tall Utah
After pulling out the remaining beetroot, I pull up weeds and evenly spread out the mushroom compost. I wear thin plastic gloves to keep my hands from getting dirty and I retain the ability to pick up seeds. I put together a plan, providing each plan sufficient room to grow, and leaving a few empty spots for future seed plantings.
To prevent Spartacus from disturbing the soil, I place old window flyscreens and tomato stakes on the locations of the seeds. As the plants grow, I place the shields higher, until the plants are sufficiently large.
I give the seeds good water, without disturbing the soil. The seeds are sealed up with plastic tape and placed into the fridge.
Click here for information about the blog WheelchairJohn or read my blog about pickling beetroot.